Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Way Overdue!

To cover the last two months entirely would take a long time, so here's a few pictures of what we have been up to. Clark finished his first semester of law school very well, and the fun is just getting started for him again. We had a really nice trip to California to spend the holidays with our families. We bounced around between households, spending Christmas eve day seeing my grandma, then on to Clark's grandparents to spend Christmas eve and Christmas morning. All the descendants of Clark's moms parents were there, 22 in all I think (although we missed Brock who is still on his mission in Slovenia.) And then back to the Rays we went for Christmas dinner. It was a wonderful blur. Clark left a few days before me and came back to AZ to go camping with his dad, brother and uncle. I think they had fun but of course I have no pictures of that.
January flew by and I'm not sure what happened! I've been continuing to work part time at a subacute care center, and baby boy #2 is growing fast. I'll get a picture of me up here sometime soon. He's giving me more heartburn and having the hiccups more often than his older brother did, if that's possible. And the jury is out on what we're naming him.
We're doing well, really enjoying the Arizona winter. It was 65 and sunny here today. Clarkie will be 14 months old next week, and is about to learn how to open doors (with doorKNOBs no less) so there's a new round of babyproofing for us. He is so curious, he can't help but get into everything. I'll hopefully be posting more in the future, but no promises!

Grandma Jones let Clarkie go nuts in the flour, and then she got to clean him up!

Clarkie and his cousin Sage. We could not get Clarkie to smile, wasn't going to happen.

Christmas morning goodies: Cowboy hat and boots from Grandma and great-grandma

Santa brought him a power wheels ATV

Back at the Rays, Clark wearing a nice new sweater from my parents, and Clarkie loving his new converse from my brother and his girlfriend.

Trying to put them on over footie jammies is hard.

This is a regular day at our house, we've got a climbing monkey for a son! (He also played with the camera and got the lens all dirty, hence the blurriness)

Trip to the zoo again with Clark this time, before he had to go back to school. Feeding the giraffes is so cool!

Loving those cowboy accessories from Christmas!


Sara said...

He is such a cutie! Looks like you guys had a great Christmas/ December.
We had a Mozambique get together this week and we sure did miss you, so it was fun to see this post the very next day! Hope pregnancy and such is going well.

Unknown said...

Hey you guys---its very fun to read your "overdue "update and see the adorable pictures of the cutest grandchild ever(does everyone see this cause I don't want to brag in public! We miss you all so much-its just not fair that you are in Arizona.We are up in Tahoe for an early celebration of gpajones 54???? b-day. WOW!!!!
take care and try to rest!
Gma Jones