Friday, September 25, 2009

9 Months

I'm a couple weeks late on this post, but I still can't believe our little Clarkie is already 9 months old! He has been growing like a weed, weighs 21 pounds and is almost 30 inches tall. He loves to crawl around and open all of our cabinets and drawers and get everything out. He walks along the couch and with his walking toy, and can even reach the top of the kitchen table! He has also started clapping, waving and he'll dance to any kind of music. Wants to eat everything we are, but he only has his two bottom front teeth so far. He sleeps so great at night and takes a two hour nap most days. He's super vocal, babbling and mimicking our speech and screaming all day, but he's still very quiet around new people. His favorite toys are, unfortunately, cords and computers, so we do our best to hide both. He also headbutts his daddy on command, which hurts daddy more when he's wearing his helmet! We love this little man more and more every day, everything he does amazes us.

Looking out his bedroom window; he has the best view in the house, overlooking the Catalina foothills and national forest.

Daddy got him dressed on this particular day
We went to the zoo with the playgroup from church this week. If you look very closely, there's a rear end of a polar bear in the background of this shot.
Flamingos; Clarkie was over it by this point, more interested in watching the other kids.
His favorite cabinet in the house, the plastic cabinet. This scene happens at least once a day, but it makes him happy, so we haven't locked this particular door yet.
Helping Mommy do the dishes is the least he could do; what a sweetie!


taryn said...

I love the pic of him looking out the window. So precious. He is a handsome little guy! One day we've got to get him Livy together! One day when she does more than just eat and sleep because he probably wouldn't find her very interesting right now :)

Ben and Camille said...

SO CUTE. I can't believe how old he is too! They grow so fast and time flies! We really hope we can meet the little man sometime soon! He's such a stud.

Scottie and Angie said...

I love the zoo how fun!!! I am glad to hear you have a play group in your ward. I love that he is wanting to be a little helper already, that was so cute. Glad to hear that you are well. Love,

Natalie Bergin said...

I love him and you guys!