Monday, September 7, 2009

The Last Getaway

This post is s little out of order, but we decided back in August to do a trip to Danville before Clark started law school, and we would have no time for a trip for the next 3 years. It's a loooooong drive from Tucson to the Bay, but it was worth it. We had a very fun trip, visiting Great Grandma, as well as both sets of grandparents and aunts and uncles. Clarkie also got to go to the beach and see the ocean for the first time. He loved it! The Santa Cruz water was freezing, but it didn't seem to phase him. And I think he ate a lot more sand than we realized at the time.
And to explain the second picture, for the last month Clarkie has been wearing an orthotic helmet to fix his brachycephaly, a.k.a 'flat head syndrome.' Be careful if you have a new baby, all this 'back is best' stuff for SIDS is creating a lot of this problem. Clarkie is doing really well though, he'll be wearing the helmet probably through Halloween. Just in time for a super awesome costume. Any suggestions? We're thinking a skater, Magneto, or a lego man...

1 comment:

Scottie and Angie said...

My little nephew had to wear a helmet too!!! It's worth it in the end!
Glad you were able to go on a little vacation. Take advantage while you can!
Miss ya